Dynamics of Personality: Integrating Nomothetic and Idiographic Approaches into a Synthetic Framework

EM 12 | 2021 | Online and Madrid, Spain




  • The first goal of the expert meeting was to gain conceptual clarity about what the terms “nomothetic” and “idiographic” mean and to arrive at (more) consensual def- initions. Furthermore, we wanted to gain an understanding on how nomothetic and idiographic research endeavors could be conceptually distinguished and/or integrated.
  • The second goal was to gain an overview and a deeper understanding surrounding methodological and statistical decisions that are related to the nomothetic/idiographic distinction. To this end, different options and decisions concerning (a) the research question, (b) research design, and (c) analyses and interpretations were made explicit to facilitate their matching to a priori determined research goals.
  • The third goal was to discuss how nomothetic and idiographic knowledge can be used and integrated for practical applications (e.g., psychotherapy, personnel selection, human-like AI).



(1) Gina Hernandez (GH), PhD, Technical University of Munich, Germany

(2) Niclas Kuper (NK), PhD student, Bielefeld University, Germany
(3) Nick Modersitzki (NM), PhD student, Bielefeld University, Germany

(4) Le Vy Phan (LVP), PhD student, Bielefeld University, Germany

(5) Markus Quirin (MQ), Professor, Technical University of Munich, Germany (6) John F. Rauthmann (JFR), Professor, Bielefeld University, Germany
